The Michigan Film Office has just approved film incentives for a pilot courtroom reality TV show: “Domestic Justice.” The TV show is described as an “explosive new judicial reality show” where “real life drama meets common sense justice.” The episodes will involve domestic disputes involving custody and parenting time, but also bullying and harassment. The justice will be administered by Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Vonda Evans.
So is this going to be another Judge Judy show? A close look at the TV show’s website may provide an answer to this: Domestic Justice. It appears that the unique twist of Domestic Justice is that it will employ short-term and long-term counseling and therapy supervision for the participants, and appears that the focus of the “justice” will be on finding resolutions that integrate on-going counseling for everyone involved. The goal is also to provide follow-up segments to track the progress of the people involved in the dispute.
Do you have an issue that you want to submit for “common sense justice?” If so, the website Domestic Justice provides you with a list of questions to answer, and if your issue is relevant to the show, a submission form for you to fill out.
Keep posted for more details—and read more on MLive’s website: Michigan Film Office approves Detroit-filmed judge show for incentives.
If you are interested in learning more, please call Wendy Alton at 734-665-4441 or email her at More information about her firm, Pear Sperling Eggan & Daniels, P.C., can be found here:
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